Author Archives: Chua

Juicer Recipe: Apple Cucumber Juice

Juicer Recipe: Apple Cucumber Juice Benefits:- Cucumber is rich in Potassium and it also well known for diuretic. Cucumber also helps to control the cases of eczema, arthritis and gout. Besides, apple is rich in vitamin A, B, C and iron which helps in cleansing for the liver. It’s believed that the apple cucumber juice […]

Orange Banana Yogurt Recipe

Juicer Recipe: Orange Banana Yogurt benefits:- Orange contain antioxidant (beta carotene) which helps in fight against free radical. Besides, Orange contain folic acid for brain development. On the other hand, banana able to improve blood pressure, boost energy and reduce water retention. Orange banana yogurt is able to prevent constipation. Ingredients of orange banana yogurt:-

Juicer Recipe: Winter melon apple juice

Juicer Recipe: Winter melon apple juice benefits:- Winter melon rich in Vitamin B1, B2 and C. Besides, winter melon also helps in clear body heat and toxin, improves metabolism, reduce fat, weight loss, promotes urination, reduce water retention and etc. At the same time, apple also helps in speed up the weight loss process. Thus, […]