Guava Tomato Juice is a low fat fruit juice recipe that is good for weight loss. If you want to loss your weight thru natural and healthy way, you can always try this juice recipe. Guava and Tomato contain very low calorie. To have the weight loss effect, drink this juice half an hour before your meal. This is because guava has high thick fibre will make your stomach feel full and you won’t eat too much during your meal. Besides, Guava also contain high Vitamin A and C that will help to improve your immune system.

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Apple Celery Juice is made up of celery, apple, carrot and some honey. It’s believe that celery apply juice has weight loss function. As we know, Celery has high level of dietary fibre that able to help in weight loss diet and Apple also able to help in speed up the weight loss process. Besides this, carrot also contain high level of beta carotene (antioxidant) help you to stay young!

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Watermelon cabbage juice contain Lycopene, Vitamin C and A. Lycopene is a type of anti oxidant which can be found on most of the red color fruits and it helps to reduces the risk of prostate cancer and heart disease. If you came back from a heavy drink, watermelon cabbage juice able to wake you up. Besides, watermelon cabbage juice also able to help urination which result in reduce body heat and it’s a very good drink during summer time.

Ingredient for Watermelon cabbage juice recipe:-
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